John Dorsey
John Dorsey

John Dorsey

About our Founder

Hello and welcome to VetHaven! I’m John Dorsey the founder of this unique and heartfelt venture. My journey to creating VetHaven began with a personal and profound inspiration – my son Dr Jarrod Dorsey, who stepped into the noble profession of veterinary medicine. As a proud parent, I witnessed first-hand the passion and dedication that goes into becoming a veterinarian. It's a path filled with care, compassion, and immense responsibility. However, it was during this journey that I stumbled upon a lesser-known aspect of this profession – the high levels of stress and the alarmingly high suicide rates among veterinarians. This revelation was both shocking and eye-opening.

Driven by a desire to make a difference, VetHaven was born out of a deep-rooted commitment to provide a sanctuary for these unsung heroes. My vision was clear: to create a company that not only supports veterinarians in their noble work but also offers them a safe and meaningful work environment. At VetHaven, we believe that mental well-being is as essential as professional success. We strive to ensure that our veterinarians find more than just a job with us – they find a community that understands, a place where their well-being is a priority, and an environment that celebrates their dedication to animal care. VetHaven is more than a company; it's a haven where veterinarians can thrive, both personally and professionally. I invite you to join us in our mission to support these extraordinary individuals who dedicate their lives to caring for our animal companions.

Get in touch with 
John Dorsey
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